Students For A National Health Program (SNaHP) Chapters:
Students in the health professions actively promote Medicare for All in their schools and communities.
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine Chapter
As the Tyson School of Medicine SNaHP Chapter, we strive to educate ourselves and our medical school community on single-payer systems and advocate for policies, actions, and programming that promote the pursuit of health equity and the movement to universal, free healthcare for all.
Chapter contacts: Paula Hornstein (; Cortez Johnson (

UC Berkeley-UCSF
As the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program chapter of Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP), we are taking actions to promote single-payer healthcare reform. We are dedicated to changing our broken system to ensure that quality medical care is free and accessible for all people living in the U.S.
Contact Information:,
Last Wednesday of every month, 1pm virtually.