Corinne Frugoni speaking, with PNHP member Allen Cooper sitting behind, Federal Building in the background.
Ana Malinow spearheaded a celebration for Medicare’s 57th birthday. It was held outside the Federal Building in San Francisco. PNHP members from both Northern and Southern CA attended. Sponsored by Senior Disability Action, CA Alliance for Retired Americans, PNHP, The Movement to End Privatization of Medicare, Healthy California Now, and other organizations. Attendance was 65-75 people. PNHPCA and Humboldt Chapter Leader Corinne Frugoni was the Master of Ceremonies.
Pinata representing the DCE/ACO/REACH program just prior to being smashed by enraged single-payer advocates

Banner on the Federal Building, before Building Security insisted that it be removed

Letter requesting termination of the ACO/REACH program being presented to staff from Speaker Pelosi’s office, with a copy for Secretary Becerra.