Hospital CEO salaries

This post shows the salaries of hospital CEOs in an area where Nurses are on strike. The hospitals have told the Nurses that they cannot afford to raise their salaries.

Public Money to Private Profit

The author of this piece, Wendell Potter, worked for years in the insurance industry, and has great insight into how public health care dollars are pulled into private for-profit enterprises.

More Medicare Advantage Fraud

More Medicare Advantage Fraud

The Department of Justice is accusing an insurance company and its data mining affiliate of fraud in the amount of tens of millions of dollars.

Previous DOJ suits against insurers have totaled more than $300 million in settlements.

Value-Based Payment Has Produced Little Value

 “Why have the vast majority of value-based payment experiments failed to improve value?” Kip Sullivan, Ana Malinow, MD, and Kay Tillow explore the history of value-based payments and analyze their impact on healthcare today.

Dr. Paul Song Addresses LACMA

Former PNHP-CA President Dr. Paul Song delivered a compelling presentation on single payer healthcare to the Los Angeles County Medical Association on August 8, 2022.

Medicare Birthday Celebration

Ana Malinow spearheaded a celebration for Medicare’s 57th birthday. It was held outside the Federal Building in San Francisco.

Am I a Single Payer Zealot?

If believing that we should jettison $800 billion in administrative bloat and transfer the savings to health care makes me a zealot, I accept the label.